image update

April & May 2020

We are exicted to let everyone know that we are out of the Beta stage and that from now on you have access to the full version of the platform for legal services, Avoteca, which offers lawyers specific functionalities for their legal activity!

Our services have been created to relieve lawyers of those hassles related to technical administration, when it comes to the online presence, such as finding and buying domain, hosting and managing the wevsite or communication services, which will help provide visibility.

Avoteca, the online platform with legal services that takes over the administrative tasks from the shoulders of lawyers

As we are dealing with a global trend that urges digitalization, legal activity will also move more and more in the online environment. In order to give online visibility to each lawyers' legal services, we created a set of the advantages for the lawyer profile, such as, but not only:

  • Professional presentation page very easy to manage, without technical worries
  • A network of over 3500 potential customers and partners
  • Online visibility, by publishing articles and being among the first in searches

NEW PARTERNSHIPS: We joined the Make 4 Romania initiative to help those exposed in the front line in the COVID-19 crisis

When we choose our partners and the projects we support, the values of the team are the first ones we check. With Nod Makerspace we felt that we are similar in many ways, the most important ones being the desire for involvement, change and supporting the collaboration of communities in different fields, whether we are talking about creators or lawyers.

We wholeheartedly support any initiative that not only encourages the power of the community, but provides the strength and inspiration we need in these difficult times. The people from Nod Makerspace have been our friends for some time, being the first ones we stopped at when we returned to Romania, set to work. And when friends invite you to good deeds together, you can only join them. - Ana-Maria Drăgănuță Briard, lawyer and Co-founder of Avoteca

Other Media Appearances

  1. We enthusiastically responded to the invitation of Ziarul de Iași to talk about the growing need to work from home in the context of the conronavirus epidemic. Read the entire article here. {RO}

  2. We discussed with PIN Magazine about the way the Avoteca platform supports lawyers and people who need legal services, by creating a safe space for communication and contact, as well as the importance of the presence of such a legal tech startup in the Romanian market. Read the entire interview here. {RO}

Legal Tale Podcast News

Episode #16:

In this episode, together with Florina Dragan, enforcement officer, we dismantled the myth that enforcement officers are cold people. We also found out how she came to choose this profession and what are the most exciting moments in her professional practice.

Listen to the full episode here. {RO}

Episode 17:

We talked with Oana Petrescu, psychologist and psycho-therapist, about the feeling of anxiety, both in general and among the legal profession, where it comes from and the difference between managing and healing it. We have also touched on the subject of imposter syndrome and the methods we can apply to overcome such behaviors or thoughts.

Listen to the full episode here {RO}

More reading resources

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next updates!

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Avoteca. We are an enthusiast team that works towards the advancement of legal services by supporting independent lawyers. We strive to change the way people access, communicate and search for legal professionals, redefining the lawyer-client relationships efficiently. Through the Avoteca Platform, lawyers can grow their client portfolio, while those seeking for legal services have unlimited access to professionals specialised on their issue. Do you need a lawyer? Are you a lawyer and you want to increase your clientele? Come on the Avoteca Platform to find out more: