image update

March 2020

We are launching the Avoteca initiative for meeting the problems that have arisen in the context of the pandemic with a new feature - the possibility for lawyers to offer pro bono legal services. 💛

We know that we are not in the front line of the battle, we are neither doctors nor inventors, but that does not mean that we cannot contribute to improving the situation or at least sweetening it. We met a lot of law professionals these days who wanted to get more involved, to make a difference to society and to the situation we all live.

That's why we invited all registered lawyers to join our initiative, set their availability in the profile, and give back in these hard times. Of course, we are also playing our part in the proposed action, as all lawyers will receive additional credits to offer pro bono services.


New Design Implemented

Even if we were planning to release it later, we've adapted our plans and choose to bring it online now. We believe that any extra effort has a beneficial effect on the legal services industry, bringing benefits for both parties involved in the process - the client and the lawyer.

Thank for reading and stay tuned for the next updates!

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Avoteca. We are an enthusiast team that works towards the advancement of legal services by supporting independent lawyers. We strive to change the way people access, communicate and search for legal professionals, redefining the lawyer-client relationships efficiently. Through the Avoteca Platform, lawyers can grow their client portfolio, while those seeking for legal services have unlimited access to professionals specialised on their issue. Do you need a lawyer? Are you a lawyer and you want to increase your clientele? Come on the Avoteca Platform to find out more: