image update

December 2019

117 Lawyers in the Avoteca community, 12 episodes of the Legal Tale podcast, 3 national competitions and 1 international event. This is our 2019 retrospective, after only 3 months since we have launched the platform and 9 months since we gathered and decided to go on this path!

We couldn't have done it without you! Thank you for being with us from the beginning and we hope that, together, we can have a fresher take on the legal industry in Romania...but not only!

We wish you a peaceful period and a well-deserved break!

Wonderful holidays with your loved ones and let's hear from you in 2020!

Jolly hugs,


founder Avoteca

Thank for reading and stay tuned for the next updates!

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Avoteca. We are an enthusiast team that works towards the advancement of legal services by supporting independent lawyers. We strive to change the way people access, communicate and search for legal professionals, redefining the lawyer-client relationships efficiently. Through the Avoteca Platform, lawyers can grow their client portfolio, while those seeking for legal services have unlimited access to professionals specialised on their issue. Do you need a lawyer? Are you a lawyer and you want to increase your clientele? Come on the Avoteca Platform to find out more: